Consider these 10 simple steps when visiting the garden center to select new plants and shrubs:
- Choose a plant that is suitable for the zone in which we live. A plant that thrives in one area may simple die in another.
- Do some research. Disease, infestation and susceptibility of pests are a few things to consider.
- Assess the area where it will be planted: Shade loving plants will fry in the sun, while sun loving plants will simply thin out in the shade. Check the area to determine how much sun it gets prior to planting.
- Determine a design for your flowerbed: Coordinate a variety of plants, shrubs, flowers and border plants to add dimensions and depth to your beds.
- Plan for the future and remember that everything you plant will grow! Check out the height and width at maturity to avoide unhealthy and unattractive crowding
- Arrange according to height of individual plant material. Place taller plants at the back of the bed and shorter ones in front. This creates a layering effect.
- Choose a variety of plants for different seasons. This will ensure that there is color in your flowerbeds throughout the season from spring to fall.
- Purchase plants that have more buds than blossums. Blooming ones may look nice at the garden center but you want to enjoy them at your home in the weeks ahead.
- Choose the plants that are healthy. Don’t take ones infested with insects, brown leaves or crowded roots.
- Know how much time you will have to care for what you have installed. Choose low maintenance if time is limited. Remember that nothing that grows is No-maintenance.
Follow these steps to help create your beautiful landscape. Just remember to spend a little time to do some research and install things properly.