Complete landscape services

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Interlocking Stone

Interlocking Stone

Thinking about installing a new walkway, patio or driveway and not sure which material to use? Many people face this dilemma and finding accurate information to help them make an informed decision is difficult to find. I’ll help shed some light on misconceptions of interlocking stone and issues that people experience with improperly installed interlocking […]

Things to consider when purchasing ne...

Things to consider when purchasing new plant material

Consider these 10 simple steps when visiting the garden center to select new plants and shrubs:     Choose a plant that is suitable for the zone in which we live. A plant that thrives in one area may simple die in another. Do some research. Disease, infestation and susceptibility of pests are a few […]

Spring is here…at least officia...

Spring is here…at least officially!

With spring now officially here, its time to get outside and enjoy the beautiful sunny days and reflect on the winter past. For many of us it may be the time to access any damage to our lawn, shrubs and trees. For others, its time to start thinking about what project to tackle this year. […]

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